by Donna Bernert, Coordinator of Service and Justice
Bishop Deon has given the people of St. Francis’ a new directive to go out into our community to know and to serve our neighbors.
You may know that St. Francis’ has been going to the Trinity Episcopal Church, located at Central West End for many years to serve hot meals to the people in need on the 5th Sunday of the month. Keeping Bishop Deon’s direction in mind, St. Francis has decided to direct the hot lunch ministry to serve the people of Eureka and Pacific. Our goal is to implement the same format used at Trinity. We are planning to mobilize our existing relationships as well as develop new ones to support this ministry.
The Midnight Library, by Matt Haig, is one of the books our book group is going to read. In it I read a quote from Arthur Schopenhauer, a philosopher, who said, “Compassion or empathy, is the basis of morality, or knowing right from wrong.” St. Francis’ is on the road to showing compassion for the hungry in of our area. This is God’s work. If you would like to learn more about or support this emerging ministry, please contact me directly at