After a three-week break in June, we’re bringing back Forum! We’ll start with a three-week Scripture Study the first three weeks in July and then move on to individual sessions.
July 3, 10 and 17
Join Laurie+ in July’s Summer Scripture Study. There are two ways to participate: in person at 9:15am with coffee and donuts on July 3rd, 10th, and 17th OR via the Marco Polo app. Click here to join the Marco Polo group. No matter your plans this summer, you can participate!
During the season of Pentecost, churches can choose one of two “tracks” (or strands) for the Hebrew Scripture (Old Testament) readings. St. Francis will use the first track which follows the major and minor prophets Elijah, Elisha, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Joel and Habbakuk. Summer Scripture Study will focus on the prophets from Hebrew Scripture in the lectionary.
July 24
Month of Grace + Prayer: A Retreat for Everyday Life, featuring Clarence Heller
Learn about “A Month of Grace + Prayer” with retreat Director Clarence Heller. Clarenece will share about our fall retreat in everyday life. Pray on your own 20 minutes each day and meet one-on-one with a spiritual companion one hour each week for four weeks. Come with all of your questions and learn more.
July 31
General Convention Report, with Dr. Michael Booker, delegate to General Convention