In consultation with the Partnership for ReNEWal and under the leadership of the Bishop’s Committee, our parish has collectively generated a Divine Purpose Statement, printed above, which is intended to both describe how we currently operate in the world and how we aspire to be. The short version of “LOVE – WORSHIP – SERVE” is an excellent shorthand for all that St. Francis does. As we think forward (for example, at our calendaring meeting of ministry heads this past Wednesday), we will use this statement that the entire parish gave input on to ensure that our programs and intentions are true to our divine purpose.
THANK YOU to everyone whose work made this possible–parishioners who left post-it notes or emailed Bill, the BC who worked on the draft statement and then used input to craft the final, and our consultants at Partnership for ReNEWal, plus the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri, whose grant allowed us to engage them.
Our draft statement is available here.