Go on retreat while staying at home. Explore different ways of praying, speak privately with an experienced spiritual companion and become more aware of God’s presence in your life. A Month of Grace + Prayer (formerly known as Month of Guided Prayer) will begin with a 90 minute group gathering (in person or virtually) of all participants on Sunday, September 11. Throughout the month each participant will be invited to pray privately each day and then meet confidentially with an experienced spiritual companion for one hour each week. In person meetings with spiritual companions take place on Tuesday mornings, afternoons or evenings, and virtual meetings are scheduled on any day and time mutually convenient with the participant and companion. All will gather again in celebration on Sunday, October 9. This is an individually directed retreat tailored to your own deep desires. Committed couples also have the option to participate as a couple. Everyone is welcome, no exceptions.
Brochures are available in church, and for even more information or to register, visit www.momentsofgraceandprayer.org or contact Clarence Heller (clarenceheller@gmail.com; 314.258.9066). There is no registration fee, but retreatants are invited to share the costs of the retreat as they are able.
Opening Session
Sunday, September 11 from noon to 1:30 pm for in person and from 6:30 to 8:00 pm for virtual
Closing Session
Sunday, October 9 from noon to 1:30 pm for in person and from 6:30 to 8:00 pm for virtual
Private Meetings
Confidential, one-on-one meetings (about one hour each) between retreatants and spiritual companions occur each week. For in person retreatants, these meetings are at the church on Tuesday mornings, afternoons, or evenings, at your convenience. For virtual retreatants, these meetings occur via Zoom (or phone at the participant’s preference) any time of the week that is mutually agreed between the spiritual companion and the participant.
To register, contact Clarence Heller at clarenceheller@gmail.com.
Share the Costs
There is no registration fee, but participants are invited to share the costs of the retreat as they are able. Regarding offering amount, the average cost for each in person retreatant is about $44 and for each virtual retreatant about $20. Some retreatants contribute less and some contribute more. Offerings are accepted once the retreat has begun.