Forum is our Christian Education Hour each Sunday at 9:15am. Coffee is available and presentations are done in person, though we are very close to being able to stream our Forum sessions as well.
January 15: Wyman Center
Join Allison Williams, Senior Vice President of National Network & Strategic Initiatives at the Wyman Center, will present at Forum. She will kick off our “Who Is Our Neighbor 3.0” forum series, telling us who Wyman serves and what she thinks Jesus would say about their mission. This is a great opportunity to learn about our new ministry partner on the day before we serve there!
January 22: Religious Life Sunday
Last year’s General Convention of the Episcopal Church established Sunday January 22, 2023, as the first annual commemoration of Religious Life in The Episcopal Church. Perhaps one of the best kept secrets in The Episcopal Church is the existence of religious orders and communities. Neil Tumber of the Third Order Society of Saint Francis will introduce us to the idea of religious life and the concept of following a rule of life.
January 29: Annual Meeting
February 5: Healing Grace Clinic
Healing Grace Clinic in Eureka provides access to primary healthcare for the uninsured and underserved. Who is our neighbor that comes to Healing Grace? What would Jesus say about it?
February 12: Parishioners at Work With Our Neighbors
Parishioners at Work with Our Neighbors: many parishioners live the Gospel through outreach outside the walls and ministry of St. Francis. Come learn about Agape House and CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) from parishioners Linda Carter and Barb Sacco. Who do they serve and what would Jesus have to say about it?
February 19: Contemplation and Action
Contemplation and Action: There is a deep relationship between the inner prayer life and the transformation of social structures. Join Michael Booker to learn about the role of contemplation in social action and the holy men and women who embodied both.