What is this and how does it differ from a traditional choir?
- Multi-generational (including children)
- No robes
- No singing every Sunday and leading congregational worship. We now have cantors to do that.
- The St. Francis Singers will be singing an anthem each month (called Anthem Sunday). See dates below.
- Requires two Sunday rehearsals a month (rather than every Sunday)
- Anthems will be accessible and chosen to bring out the best in the singers so we can joyfully express our love for God through our music.
- Learn your part at home with the help of a soundlink of a choir singing the entire anthem. Print a copy of the PDF of the music that I can send you via email, or pick up a hard copy of the anthem in the blue folder in my mailbox at church. If you do not read music and need help with this, I record each individual part (Sopranos, Altos, Baritone) and will send it to you. Still need more help? I am available after every 10:30 service to help one on one as needed. Children should learn the soprano part.
- Come to a rehearsal AFTER 10:30 service on the Sunday before Anthem Sunday. For September, this would be 9/10. We will rehearse until 12:15, 12:30 latest.
- Come to a rehearsal ON Anthem Sunday (9/17) from 9:30-10:15. We will then sing during the offertory at that service.
Think you might want to try? Look at these dates and participate when you are able. I tried picking Anthem Sundays so rehearsals do not conflict with Meal Ministry or Leadership Team, but sometimes there are special feast days that don’t always allow this to happen. If you work hard on your part at home and take advantage of my helping you after any 10:30 church service, those with this conflict should still be able to sing with us on Anthem Sundays.
- September 17
- October 8
- November 5
- December 10
- December 24
- January 21
- February 18
- March 31
- April 14
- May 19
Contact Lynne if you would like participate in any or all of these Anthem Sundays.