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Lent and Easter 2024

Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 14, 12pm and 7pm
In-person Eucharist at noon and in-person or streamed Eucharist at 7pm

Way of Love Dinner and Discussion
Wednesday, February 14, 5:30pm
A Rule of Life is an intentional pattern of spiritual disciplines that provides structure and direction for growth in a Jesus-centered life. The Episcopal Church suggests seven disciplines: turn, learn, pray, worship, go, bless and rest. Together, these practices are called The Way of Love. Begin Lent with dinner and discussion on a Rule of Life. What is it? Do you have one? How might The Way of Love inform your creation of a Rule of Life?

Sunday Eucharist in Lent, 8am and 10:30am
Each Sunday liturgy will lift up a Way of Love practice in image, sermon, and song.

Sunday Forum, 9:15am
Each week, Dr. Michael Booker will take a deep dive into the scriptural roots of one of the seven Way of Love practices. Scripture reveals that these practices are part of the long history of God’s people.

Lenten Messy Church
Sunday, February 25, 5pm
At Messy Church, all ages meet together to learn about Christ through games, crafts and activities, music, and storytelling from the Bible. This Messy Church is a Eucharist which includes dinner for families and explores Lent and turning to God in the mess of life. (There will be no Godly Play during the 10:30am service on this Sunday.)

Pilgrimage Sunday
March 3, 12pm
Lent provides a good opportunity to take time out to learn about the Episcopal Church’s spirituality and history, and St. Francis’ particular way of embodying these. Lunch provided. RSVP to Laurie+. This class is an excellent learning opportunity for those who will be received or confirmed in April.

Living the Way of Love
Daily During Lent
Daily brief reflections using Mary Bea Sullivan’s book Living the Way of Love. Rotating through each practice so that each is covered once a week, going deeper into the practice throughout the forty days, each reflection ends with questions designed to spur further discussion and assist in making the practices our own. This daily meditation is shared via Marco Polo so no matter where you are or what your schedule, you can carve out time for Lenten reflection!

Time for a New Practice?
Lent is a great time to try one of our ongoing worship opportunities. If you haven’t already, try one of these:
Morning prayer, Zoom, Mondays and Fridays at 8:30am
Noon Eucharist, Wednesdays at noon
Spiritual Café, Third Wednesday of the month, 10am
Thursday Bible study, every Thursday, 9am

Palm Sunday
Sunday, March 24, 8am and 10:30am
Join the procession of the palms at 8am or 10:30am services. This service opens Holy Week which ends at sundown on the Saturday before Easter.

Monday, March 25 – Wednesday, March 27, 8pm
Join lay leader Paul Jokerst at 8pm on Zoom for 20 minute prayers to end your day on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week. Compline is the sweetest of the daily offices which asks for God’s protection during the night to come.

Maundy Thursday
Thursday, March 28, 6pm dinner, 7pm worship
Jesus shared a meal with his friends on the last day of his life. Partake of a simple supper with the St. Francis’ community at the start of the Easter Triduum—the three days of preparation for Easter Sunday which follow the last moments of Jesus’ life. Join us at 7pm in person and on YouTube to recall the new “mandatum” or commandment to “love one another as I have loved you” (Jn. 13:34).

Good Friday
Friday, March 29, 12pm and 7pm
Join us at 12pm and 7pm for the commemoration of the crucifixion of Jesus with veneration (reverencing) of the cross, in person and on YouTube at noon and in person at 7pm.

Easter Sunday
Sunday, March 31
Join us for the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
Worship at 8am in person
Worship at 10:30am in person and on YouTube
Potluck Brunch and Egg Hunt at 11:30am

Baptism is available on Easter Sunday, March 31. Reception and confirmation will be on Sunday, April 14, during our bishop’s visit. If you or anyone in your household is interested in either, please contact Laurie+.

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