Eastertide 2024 at St. Francis is a season of sacraments! We shouted “Alleluia!” on Easter Day as we baptized a new baby parishioner. This third Sunday of Easter we baptize, confirm and receive six parishioners. We end Easter on Pentecost Day, May 19th, with the baptisms of two youth. During each sacrament, each of us renews our baptismal vows.
In recognition of this Eastertide of baptisms, the Sunday Forum at 9:15am will focus on the baptismal covenant in a series called I Will With God’s Help. Each session takes a deep dive into a piece of the baptismal covenant we proclaim. Plan to join those recently confirmed and received as we take this journey!
April 21: I Believe: Living the Creed
April 28: Teaching, Fellowship, Bread and Prayers
May 5: Resist, Repent and Return
May 12: By Word and Example