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Get to Know Us: What is Flexible Formation?

Q: What is Flexible Formation?

A: In our recent Get to Know Us about Godly Play, we said that Formation is “lifelong growth in the knowledge, service, and love of God as followers of Christ…informed by Scripture, Tradition, and Reason.” Basically, it’s the comprehensive impact on your development of every experience you have with the Church and with God. The most intentional ways that we do Formation at St. Francis’ have traditionally been in Sunday Forum for adults–the learning and fellowship opportunity that takes place beginning at 9:15am on Sunday mornings, between the two mass services–and Sunday education for children, for which we currently offer a program called Godly Play.

But by its definition, Formation is bigger than classroom learning with a curriculum. The acquisition of knowledge is an integral part of the experience, but Formation comes also from service, love of God, and more. To allow for intentionality in this kind of Formation outside of what we typically envision what we think of Formation, we will hold Flexible Formation on the third Thursday of the month, during which opportunities will be offered to intentionally develop as followers of Christ in ways outside of our Forum setting.

On Sunday, September 15, we will offer the first Flexible Forum, with these three options:

  • Sing: In the Episcopal Church we proclaim, “as we pray so we believe!” Let prayer through music with the St. Francis’ Singers shape your believing. Not a great singer, no worries. Come listen or shake a maraca!  With Music Director, Lynne Glickert in the Narthex
  • Serve: The Lay Eucharistic Ministers who play an integral role in the distribution of communion each Sunday and outside the walls of St. Francis, are gathering to reflect on our roles, sharpen skills and refresh our shared commitment to this vital lay ministry. Would you like to learn more about this ministry? Are you hearing a call to this minister? Would you simply enjoy sharing time with an engaging group of folks deepening their faith through service? Well, come join us! With David Luckes in the Community Room. 
  • Learn: In Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis aims to prove to the sensible skeptic that God does exist and that He sent His son Jesus Christ to redeem the world. Explore this classic of spirituality in a small group setting. With Laurie+ in the Vesting Room

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