Advent: Beginning December 1
Advent Wreaths, Candles, and Prayers available November 24 and December 1
In this season of waiting for light in the darkness, bring home weekly prayers for the Advent wreath. Wreaths and candles for sale. $20 for wreath with candles; $10 for candles only; prayers free to all!

The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem, Advent Sundays at 9:15am
Join parishioner Dave Denner as he facilitates discussion of Adam Hamilton’s book The Journey. Participants will explore the story of Jesus’ birth with fresh eyes and ears as they ask what actually happened when Jesus was born and what the story means for our lives today.

Daily Prayer with Laurie+, December 1-24 every morning, on Marco Polo
Daily reflection based on The Journey (see above). Participants can listen to, reflect on and share with the group via short Marco Polo video posts (a close video sharing app) at a time that works for them. Link to join in the newsletter or contact Laurie+.

Christmas Cookie Exchange, Sunday, December 8
Join us in the Community Room after 10:30am worship on Sunday, December 8, to exchange your cookies for a variety of cookies homemade by the members of St. Francis! Sign up in advance (which determines the number of cookies that each person needs to bring) by contacting Jackie Selle by December 1.

Intergenerational Messy Church, Sunday, December 8
At Messy Church, all generations meet together to learn about Christ through story and responding to that story through art, movement and play. This Messy Church is a Eucharist which includes dinner for families and explores Advent and finding the light of Christ in the mess of life. (There will be no Godly Play during the 10:30am service on this Sunday.)

Adopt-a-Family: We support families from Eureka Elementary and in Pacific by shopping for Christmas gifts. We are waiting for our families to be assigned. As soon as they are, we will place a tree in the building with ornaments on which are written family members’ names and gift hopes. Watch newsletter and website for details.

Christmas: Beginning December 24
Blue Christmas: December 22,Worship at 5pm, followed by potluck meal
Blue Christmas service includes reflective music, prayers, readings, and Scripture, acknowledging God’s presence and the hope of the coming Christ. This service especially speaks to those who mourn and those who struggle in this season.

Christmas Eve Worship + Dinner, December 24
Traditional Christmas Eve service. Service at 5pm, with catered community meal following. Suggested price $15 per person. Parishioners are invited to bring a dessert to share. RSVP for dinner to Paul at

Week of Rest, December 30—January 4
One of the rules of life in the Episcopal Church’s Way of Love includes REST. During this week of Christmas, the parishioners and staff of St. Francis lean into REST–receiving the gift of God’s grace, peace and restoration. The building is closed and all programming is on pause.

Epiphany: Beginning January 5, 2025
The Feast of Epiphany, January 5
Kick off Epiphany–the season that celebrates the revealing of Christ to the world. Christ’s light brings life and hope. This light shines its brightest when we are in community with God and with one another! Be in Community at the 9:15am continental breakfast with inter-generational crafts and games and leave with a kit to bless your home for the coming year!

Youth-led Service Day with our Ministry Partner, Wyman Center! Morning of January 20
Join us in “fixer-up” projects around camp to help them meet their mission to empower teens from economically disadvantaged circumstances to lead successful lives and build strong communities. Details forthcoming.

Who Is Our Neighbor? Forum Series, January 12, 19, 26 at 9:15am
In this Forum Series, we ask “Who is our neighbor and what does Jesus say about it?” This year we’ll hear from Ministry Partners and begin to think not just about service but justice and transforming systems.