Join us for a 4-part Forum Series based on the work of Donna Hicks as explored in her book, Dignity: Its Essential in Resolving Conflict. Forum is the cornerstone program of our Christian Formation (learning) for adults, and we meet most Sundays at 9:15am in our Community Room. Many sessions, including the four sessions in this Series, are streamed on our YouTube channel.
Our baptismal covenant calls us to “respect the dignity of every human being”(BCP, 305). In this four part Forum series, participants will learn about Dr. Donna Hicks’ dignity model, explore the ways our Episcopal tradition supports people in avoiding dignity violations, and put what they learn into practice. This series is part of St. Francis’ ongoing Conversations Across Difference work and is led by our Vicar, the Rev. Laurie Anzilotti.
The four sessions are:
What Is Dignity?
Avoiding Dignity Violations through Episcopal Practice
Putting Dignity into Practice in Everyday Conversations
Putting Dignity into Practice in Everyday Conflict
Much of the same content will also be presented in a special evening workshop for night owls on Wednesday, March 26, 5:30pm-7:30pm. Sign up here.