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Lent, Holy Week and Easter Opportunities at St. Francis

Lent – Beginning March 5

Ash Wednesday Worship

Wednesday, March 5, 12pm and 7pm
In-person Eucharist at noon and in-person or streamed Eucharist at 7pm

Ash Wednesday Simple Supper and Discussion

Wednesday, March 5, 5pm
Enjoy a simple supper of hearty soup and bread. Explore the connection between the sacramental rite of the Reconciliation of a Penitent and the Way of Love practice of Turn. Crafts and activities available for children.
$5 suggested donation for dinner; $15 per family.

Daily Psalms via Marco Polo

Daily during Lent: March 5-April 12
Pray a psalm each day during Lent. A team of St. Francis sages will share a snippet of a psalm along with a question to ponder. This daily meditation is shared via Marco Polo so no matter where you are or what your schedule, you can carve out time for Lenten reflection!

Lenten Quiet Morning: The Christian Journey

Saturday, March 8, 8:30am-12:00pm
Facilitator John Tyler will offer three short presentations on facets of the Christian Journey: its beginning, troubles, and purpose. Reflection times following the talks will include thought-provoking questions to jump-start participant’s thinking and plenty of time and space for personal reflection and prayer. $25 per person; scholarships available without question. Sign up on bulletin board or with Laurie+.

Lenten Messy Church

Sunday, March 9, 5pm
At Messy Church, all ages meet together to learn about Christ through games, crafts and activities, music, and storytelling from the Bible. This Messy Church is a Eucharist which includes dinner for families and explores Lent and turning to God in the mess of life. (There will be no Godly Play during the 10:30am service on this Sunday.)
Sign up on bulletin board or with Laurie+.

Weekly Quiet Prayer Time

Wednesdays 5-7pm, March 12-April 9
Spend time in a candlelit church with only Taizé chants playing quietly in the background.

Reconciliation of a Penitent

Wednesdays 5-7pm, March 12-April 9
Take part in this sacramental rite in which a person confesses their sins to God in the presence of a priest and receives the assurance of pardon and the grace of absolution. This rite is also called penance and confession. By appointment only with Laurie+ each week except March 19 which is with Deacon David.

Respect the Dignity of Every Human Person: Two Ways to Engage Content

Participants will learn about Dr. Donna Hicks’ dignity model, explore the ways our Episcopal tradition supports people in avoiding dignity violations, and put what they learn into practice. This series is part of St. Francis’ ongoing Conversations Across Difference work. Learn via Forum Series (Sundays at 9:15, March 16-April 6) or in a special evening workshop for night owls on Wednesday, March 26, 5:30pm-7:30pm. While you are welcome at both, the workshop will include the same content as the Forum series.
Donna Hicks’ book, Dignity: Its Essential Role in Resolving Conflict, can be purchased via ThriftBooks, Amazon, or other booksellers.
Time For a New Practice?

Lent is a great time to try one of our ongoing worship opportunities. If you haven’t already, try one of these:

Morning prayer, Zoom, Mondays and Fridays at 8:30am
Noon Eucharist, Wednesdays at noon
Spiritual Café, Third Wednesday of the month, 10am
Thursday Bible study, every Thursday, 9am

Holy Week – Beginning April 13

Palm Sunday

Sunday, April 13, 8am and 10:30am
Join the procession of the palms at 8am or 10:30am services. This service opens Holy Week, which ends at sundown on the Saturday before Easter.

Evening Prayer

Monday, April 14-Wedneday, April 16, 5:30pm
This Evening Prayer is designed to reflect on the day, express gratitude, and prepare for rest. It is a time of quiet reflection, featuring instrumental flute and piano. Reception with food and drink to follow each evening.

Maundy Thursday

Thursday, April 17, 6pm dinner, 7pm worship
Jesus shared a meal with his friends on the last day of his life. Partake of a simple supper with the St. Francis’ community at the start of the Easter Triduum—the three days of preparation for Easter Sunday, which follow the last moments of Jesus’ life. Join us at 7pm in person and on YouTube to recall the new “mandatum” or commandment to “love one another as I have loved you” (Jn. 13:34).

Good Friday

Friday, April 18, 12pm and 7pm
Join us at 12pm and 7pm for the commemoration of the crucifixion of Jesus with veneration (reverencing) of the cross, in person and on YouTube at noon and in person at 7pm.

Easter Season – Beginning April 19

Easter Vigil

Saturday, April 19, 7:45pm
Easter Vigil is a liturgy that begins in darkness and is considered the first celebration of Easter. In it, the congregation lights the Paschal (Easter) candle, hears the salvation story, renews baptismal vows and celebrates the first Eucharist of Easter.

Easter Sunday

Sunday, April 20
Join us for the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

  • Worship at 10:30am in person and on YouTube
  • Potluck Brunch and Egg Hunt at 11:30am
  • There is no 8am worship on Easter Sunday.

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