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Sunday Mornings

Sunday Worship Quick Links
Two weeks are posted for mid-July due to staff vacation.

Sunday, July 14, 2024 :: The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Bulletin Insert (with Hymns and Readings)
YouTube Worship (at 10:30am)
YouTube Forum (at 9:15am)
If links above do not work, you can always find our streams on our YouTube channel.

Sunday, July 21, 2024 :: The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Bulletin Insert (with Hymns and Readings)
YouTube Worship (at 10:30am)
YouTube Forum (at 9:15am)
If links above do not work, you can always find our streams on our YouTube channel.

At St. Francis’ Episcopal Church, we work hard to ensure that everyone who comes to worship feels welcome – whether you’re a brand-new friend, a long-time member or an intermittent visitor. Worship is our opportunity to be together and engage with the sacred liturgies of our Anglican tradition.

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