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Holy Week and Easter 2021

Holy Week and Easter 2021

Palm Sunday, March 28

Drive-in Eucharist also on YouTube | Bulletin

Monday, March 29

Morning Prayer at 8:30am on Facebook Live
Spoken morning prayer from the Book of Common Prayer includes reading, psalms and prayers; about 25 minutes long

Compline at 7pm on Zoom
Service of evening prayers with meditative music. The sweetest of the daily office (“office” is the routine of daily prayers) traditionally said before retiring for the night; about 20 minutes long.

Tuesday, March 30

Prayer Stations open 9am to 3pm in our sanctuary
Experience prayer through movement, meditation, art and more at St. Francis’ unique prayer stations

Compline at 7pm on Zoom
Service of evening prayers with meditative music. The sweetest of the daily office (“office” is the routine of daily prayers) traditionally said before retiring for the night; about 20 minutes long.

Wednesday, March 31

Final Wednesday Lenten Book Study plus Compline all via Zoom
6pm: Social time to chat with St. Francis’ community members
6:30pm: Final session of book study A Resurrection Shaped Life
7:30pm: Compline
Service of evening prayers with meditative music. The sweetest of the daily office (“office” is the routine of daily prayers) traditionally said before retiring for the night; about 20 minutes long.

Maundy Thursday, April 1

Agape Meal at 6pm on Zoom | Bulletin
Service designed for use in a home around a virtual dinner table. While this meal is not sacramental, it includes blessings of the food and drink shared, and the people gathered. Bring your dinner or snack and a candle to the screen for the service.

Good Friday, April 2

Morning Prayer at 8:30am on Facebook Live
Spoken morning prayer from the Book of Common Prayer includes reading, psalms and prayers; about 25 minutes long

Prayer Stations open 8am to 3pm in our sanctuary
Experience prayer through movement, meditation, art and more at St. Francis’ unique prayer stations

Good Friday at 7pm on YouTube | Bulletin
Consider intentionally preparing a bare worship space with only black fabric or paper. Bring a cross to the space for veneration (offering a gesture of respect by kneeling, bowing or kissing).

Saturday, April 3

Easter Vigil with Diocese of Missouri at 7:30pm on YouTube
Service in which we light the Paschal (Easter) candle symbolizing Jesus’ victory over darkness and tell the story of salvation from creation through resurrection.

Easter Sunday, April 4

Easter Eucharist at 10:15am — Drive-in Eucharist also on YouTube | Bulletin (to be updated with prayer lists by April 2)
Easter Egg Hunt for children immediately following the service

Zoom Meeting ID: 864 2540 4333 Password: lent or direct link
YouTube http://bit.ly/stfranciseureka

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