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Reflection on Bread of Life Discourse

Dear People of St. Francis’

The Greek philosopher Aristotle taught that happiness consists of contemplation and virtuous acts. If this is true, the bakers of our Eucharistic bread must be very happy people!

These parishioners are baking our bread during the five week Bread of Life Discourse from the Gospel of John, chapter 6. You can see their names in our bulletin each week. They have led us all to deeper contemplation as we see, touch and taste real bread–baked in homes by loving hands and hearts–instead of machine pressed circles. They have united us by baking a bread that is gluten and nut free. And certainly their efforts for us all can be seen as a “virtuous act.” Thank you to our bakers. We wish you every happiness!

It is possible that our homemade bread may extend beyond these five weeks of John’s Gospel. We already have a baker who brought in bread for the following week! If you would like to enter into the happiness of bread baking for our St. Francis community, email altar guild head Jerry Smith or simply stop by the bulletin board in the hallway, sign up, and grab a recipe.

In hope,

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