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Forum Series: The Book of Common Prayer: An Overview

In the Episcopal Church we say, “as we pray, so we believe.” The heart of our communal prayer life comes from the Book of Common Prayer (BCP), the official book of worship for the Episcopal Church. Join Laurie+ for a five-part series that unpacks its rites, rituals, and prayers.

Join us for this Forum session, 9:15am each Sunday morning, beginning Sunday, August 11, 2024. The session titles were amended on August 22 to reflect changes to the curriculum after the first session.

Session I: BCP Overview: the Big Picture – August 11
Session II: The BCP’s Theology – August 25
Session III: The Daily Office: Prayers to Mark Time – September 8
Session IV: The Heart of our Sacramental Life: Baptism and Eucharist – September 22
Session V: The Pastoral Offices: Prayers to Mark Life’s Passages – September 29
Session VI: Wrap Up and Lingering Questions – October 6

This Forum series will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

Learn about the Book of Common Prayer on this week’s Get to Know Us article.

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