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St. Francis’ offers free tutoring assistance at the church for students ranging from elementary through high school.  If you’d like to offer your skills in any subject, or if you need help yourself, please contact the church office or complete the contact form on this page.  All help is free!



​The driver (parent, sibling, etc.) is expected to remain with the student during the tutoring session, so that a ride does not need to be called/arranged at the end of the session.

[sh_contact_form title=”For more information on homework help, please complete the below form.” email=”paul@jokerst.us” site_key=”6Ld9948UAAAAALgOCTrjO7hD_2-_jrGrsTfTRVVG” secret_key=”6Ld9948UAAAAABYYFRB1NnMhgvx68h_GgcmlN8Md”]

The St. Francis tutoring volunteers.

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