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A Welcome Letter from Sue, Chair of our Welcome Committee

Hello, friend.

Whatever led you to St Francis church today, we are glad you are here.

My name is Sue Schmidt, and my husband John I have been members of St. Francis for over ten years. We have had the privilege of serving in several areas of this active, growing church. We have cleared land, planned picnics, ushered, served popcorn at concerts, and gone on an occasional day trip. I currently help with the altar guild and basically jump in wherever needed, like everyone else does here. 

Maybe you’re interested in some of those activities—or one of the many others here at St. Francis. I invite you to take a look at the ministries listed our recent Annual Report. Which of our ministries interests you? Let us know using this form if there are ministries we can help connect you to.

I remember being in your place, visiting St. Francis for the first time. We’d been looking for a church home. After finding a flyer about St. Francis, we came for worship and were not sure what we had gotten ourselves into! As we sat there, we heard a wonderful sermon, and during the Peace we were warmly greeted.  Instead of making our escape, we accepted the invitation to coffee hour, and met folks with smiling faces, and friendly greetings. I knew we had found the place where we were meant to be.

We have celebrated blessings and cried over heartbreak with those same faces.  I hope that you have been welcomed the same way we were.  This is a diverse, inclusive church with people who have interesting backgrounds and come not only from Episcopal backgrounds but many others as well.

This parish is growing. It’s a far cry from when John and I visited that first time, in rented space at the Masonic Lodge, with a group sitting on folding chairs in a room full of orange shag carpet! But one thing has remained the same: the warmth, the smiling faces, the sense of connection to people and God that let us know we’d found our church home.

Thank you for your interest in our church. We hope you feel comfortable, and return to join us again.

Sue Schmidt

Chair of Welcome

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