Subtitle for This Block
Title for This Block

Acolytes are adults and children trained to assist the priest during the service and to lead the procession into and out of the church.
Acolytes perform a variety of duties that support the worship service and assist the priest to celebrate the Eucharist and guide worship. Some of those duties include:
- Torchbearers – carries lighted candles to highlight the processional cross and the gospel reading.
- The Crucifer – carries the processional cross.
- The Acolyte (Server) – assist the priest in preparing the Holy Eucharist.
- The Thurifer – carries the thurible (incense vessel) in processions and for the Eucharist and censes as directed by the priest. We do not currently use a thurible on a weekly basis.
The primary duty of an acolyte is to serve God and the Church, and to assist the priest in whatever way he or she needs or prefers.
The term acolyte comes from the Greek word akolouthos, meaning “follower” or “attendant”. The ministry of acolytes exists at the heart of our worship service. The ministry itself, the vestments, the titles, and the duties they perform in assisting the priest to prepare for Holy Eucharist are directly tied to almost two thousand years of history.
We encourage your participation!