Give to St. Francis’
Here’s how to support us:
- Recurring gifts, no fees: Use your bank’s bill-pay system to set up a recurring gift to St. Francis, mailed to us at 602 Rockwood Arbor Drive, Eureka, MO 63025.
- In-person: Leave us a check or cash on offering plate during worship. If you leave cash, please ensure you give us your name and contact information so we can thank you!
- Online giving: We are pleased to offer online giving through ServantKeeper and ask that you consider covering the 3% fee, which is fully tax deductible along with the total of your gift.
Make a Pledge to St. Francis’ – 2024 Stewardship Campaign: Sharing God’s Gifts
Here’s how to make a pledge:
- In-person/on paper: Use the pledge cards available in our building to turn in a pledge card. Those cards turned in by November 3, 2024, will be blessed during worship that day and included in the amounts used to write our 2025 budget.
- Online pledge form: Use the green button below to make your pledge to the 2024 Stewardship Campaign.

Why Give or Pledge Support to St. Francis?
Thanks to you, we are able to broaden and deepen our mission to be a loving, diverse, and affirming community; and a place of reflection, thoughtful inquiry, and service to others. Here’s what your contributions allow us to do:

Luke’s feeding of the five thousand reminds us to trust God to provide and then to share God’s gifts. At St. Francis, we are blessed, therefore we share our time, talent, and treasure. We support one another, reach out to our local community and work hard to be part of God’s plan.
We express this through our Divine Purpose statement: We believe that God loves all people, and that love compels us to worship and to serve as Jesus did. We express this succinctly when we say: LOVE. WORSHIP. SERVE.