Why a Meal Ministry?
For decades, the people of St. Francis have served a hot meal at the Trinity Food Ministry in the Central West End, where we’ve developed loving relationships and honed our sense of serving our neighbors. We also knew that there are hungry people right here in Eureka and Pacific. The people of St. Francis want to be out in the community doing as Jesus did: loving and helping care for those on the margins. With the encouragement of Bishop Deon Johnson, who supports change and new beginnings in the Diocese of Missouri we launched our own local Meal Ministry in Eureka in January 2022.
How Does It Work?
Each month, we serve a hot meal on the 4th Sunday of the month, at 2pm. We don’t do so alone, but as a convening organization: we created the opportunity and each month a different community partner shares the work of buying and preparing meals for our hungry neighbors. As of May 2022, our partners have included: the LaSalle Retreat Center, YMCA of Wildwood, and more.
We Can’t Go It Alone!
We sure can’t. While we do use operating funds to cover some of the costs, this ministry is supported by special contributions from parishioners and friends, the Diocesan Task Force on Hunger (Diocese of Missouri), and each of our monthly community partners.
More, More, More!
Click here to read articles that we’ve posted about our Meal Ministry.
Click here to see the front-page article about our Meal Ministry in the Eureka Leader.
Click here to see Facebook posts about the #StFrancisMealMinistry.