By LOVE, we mean: selfless Christian love that is “purely spontaneous, unmotivated, groundless, and creative. It is the love of God operating in the human heart” (Martin Luther King, Jr.) that we offer both to those within our congregation and those outside of our walls.
How We LOVE at St. Francis
At St. Francis we strive for selfless Christian love that is “purely spontaneous, unmotivated, groundless, and creative. It is the love of God operating in the human heart.”* We work for this Christian love inside St. Francis through social events like potluck meals and coffee hour that allow us to enjoy each other’s company. We also care and pray for members in times of difficulty through pastoral visits, the prayer list (add to it here), lay eucharistic ministry, prayer shawl ministry and meals for the sick or grieving. Outside St. Francis, love manifests itself as we build relationships with our neighbors through engagement like our concert series, the Scarecrow Festival, and membership in the Eureka Chamber of Commerce. This love is visible as we forge a relationship with the Rev. Garnita Pleas and Buren Chapel AME in Herculaneum and the Interfaith Partnership of Greater St. Louis. Love also encompasses communications inside and outside St. Francis in person, online, and in print. Communication connects us to each other and to the wider community.
*Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Junior, The Christian Way of Life in Human Relations, Address Delivered at the General Assembly of the National Council of Churches, December, 4, 1957.
Recent News about LOVE at St. Francis
What Do St. Francis’ Parishioners Say about LOVE at St. Francis?
I love how the people of St. Francis are so dedicated to serving the community and by doing so, bringing love and hope to our neighbors and showcasing God’s love.

Connections to our community bring God’s love to all. When the band plays their very last note of music at the outdoor concerts, Love is blooming in us. Organizing the concert series is my expression of enjoying God’s people in an atmosphere of connection.

I chose love – planning social events has led me to meet others who enjoy that type of outreach. Watching people interact with each other, having fun, sharing a meal, all with a love of God has been fulfilling to me. —Sue

Our family so appreciates all that St. Francis and Laurie+ have done to make us part of the community.

Our purpose is to love as God loves—selflessly. That means we do not focus on “are they coming on Sundays? Do we have more people?” Instead we ask, “Have we been present? Have we invited, included, been in relationship?”