We’re so glad you’re interested in visiting us!
If you’ve never been to an Episcopal worship service, don’t worry. St. Francis’ Episcopal Church is a pretty relaxed environment; and the point here is to praise God. Everything else is just details, and we don’t sweat those.
All are welcome at the communion table
Whatever your faith, or lack of one for that matter, NO ONE is turned away from sharing in the communion meal of bread & wine – the Body & Blood of Christ, shed for each and every one of us. If you don’t want to receive communion, that’s fine too. You may come forward in the communion line to receive a quiet blessing or you may remain at your seat. Whatever you feel comfortable with is OK.
Dress Comfortably
Jeans, shorts, sandals, baseball hats, motorcycle helmets – they’re all just fine!
Children Always Welcome!
There is a quiet play area, and activity bags and toys for kids to use as they wish. Children are always welcome to remain in the service with their parents/care persons, or they can head off to the Sunday School program for fun lessons and activities related to the day’s scripture readings. Children will then rejoin the adults in worship for communion.
What You Can Expect During Our Worship Service

Music binds us together as a community ready to love and serve others.

Scripture Reading
Typically consists of three passages; one Old Testament, one New Testament, and one Gospel.

Approximately 20 minutes of Bible teaching.
We value God’s word, and it takes center stage in what we do.

Giving is something we expect from our members but not from our guests.
The service is our gift to you.

Together we pray for the universal church, the nation and the world,
as well as our community, those who are suffering or in trouble, and the departed.

Also known as Eucharist (meaning “thanksgiving”), communion is the family meal for Christians
and foretastes the heavenly banquet. All are welcome to receive communion.
After Worship
After both worship services, we have a time to greet each other in our community room over coffee and whatever pastries we can dig up. We hope that you will take the opportunity to dig in a little deeper by checking out one of our spiritual offerings. If you have further questions about our sermons or about the Episcopal Church in general, contact any member of our staff or go to our Contact Us page and we would be happy to schedule a visit with you. If, after visiting, you would like to know more about becoming a member of St. Francis’, please contact the priest or the deacon and we’d be happy to sit down and talk with you about that. St. Francis’ is a place that desires to see Jesus worshiped and followed by men and women in Eureka and around the world. This translates to programs and ministries that are intentional about taking the Gospel to those places. We have a heart for missions, and it permeates a lot of what we do.
When we say “All are welcome,” we mean ALL – no exceptions!